Sunday, February 4, 2024


 *You can have your own Pentecost* 

I am saying this out of experience; anybody can have Pentecost if they choose. If a Gentile soldier who did not have a bible nor did he know the name of Jesus Christ, could have his own Pentecost, so can you.  

I want to highlight some points here and hope that you can borrow something from them to prepare for your own Pentecost. 

1.  Set your heart to it. It is important you understand what you are searching  for and set your heart to it. There will be efforts by satan and men to try to divert your attention. Right from the first day I yielded my heart to be a minister of the gospel, I resolved to carry my own Pentecost. I did not want to be a minster who is so called because he earns a salary or because of some kind of dressing. I had many options and temptations to change my focus, some “old prophets” tried to get in my way but I remained focused. Today, I don’t have the material wealth others have but the world over I am known as an agent of Pentecost. Let me tell you, you will not find any person in this league who followed a different approach 

2.  Understand what you are looking for. You are not out to compete with anyone, you are not looking for a big or small church, you are not out to be like anybody; your focus is to be so connected to the Lord that He can trust you with His power. Once something moves to come in between you and the Lord, that thing must be let go. I learned this lesson from Rev. Stanley Awuzie; the Bishop at his time tried everything to bring him to the level of all other Anglican priests but he resisted it with his last blood. He was eventually transferred to an interior place with the hope he will come  begging but he rather turned that place to pilgrimage center as people went looking for him in that place. He once told me never to go cap in hand to beg my senior minister for money but I should trust God for everything. I followed this principle and it has sustained me. There was a misunderstanding at Total-Care Ministries where I did my first ministry assignment and Dr. B C Mbata served me query and asked me to report all the tithe and offering in the ministry. Well, I told him that I have nothing to reply because I had never seen where they were counting the money. He asked the cashier and he was told I spoke the truth. Yet, I never lacked anything. 

3.  Prayer discipline. There is no alternative route to kingdom power; prayer is  the route and like I said earlier, your prayer life must go beyond the  ordinary. All the people who are manifesting the Pentecost have this in common. They fasted more than everyone else, they prayed more than everyone else and they gave time to the word of God more than everyone else. 

4.  Books but nor every book. You should not waste your time reading books of 

those who write from common sense. Some writers are operating from the  flesh level and so their ideas come from the flesh level. Some will warn you of praying too much and advice you to eat your breakfast regularly, drink plenty of water and take a good sleep every night, so that you will not die before your time. Give a careful look at the person who tells you this, and you will see why you should not follow his advice. Read and follow only men and women who carry this Pentecost because they are the only ones that can help you. Once I get into a conference and the speaker begins to talk from his brain, I am through with him. The bible is the manual for you; give careful attention to men of God in the bible and you will get to this power 

5.  Sin will neutralize you. Delilah said to Samson, “What can I do to you so  that you become like every other man?” and this remains the research of devil and his agents. When you begin to feel like having sex, understand that it is potent channel for the devil to send demons into your life and ruin your ministry. When some negative habits like drinking, socializing and such things begin to pull you, understand that the devil is waiting for you outside. Matrimonial violence, stealing in any guise, anger and all manner of ungodly  ambition will paralyze your spiritual power. Once sin creeps in, prayer power flies out and so does power 

6.  Evil company can ruin you. Once you observe that the person you are  relating with is compromised, don’t stay back to try to change him, run! Bible said that it is easier for him to corrupt you than for you to change him. Beloved, you will begin to feel lonely because of your new lifestyle and people will begin to say that you are acting strange. Keep walking! You don’t have to be in every gathering of ministers of the gospel. Choose one and be committed to it and dedicate the rest of your time to your ministry. 

7.  Sanctify your home, church and environment. If you are expecting the 

governor of your state, how would you prepare your house? Do the same as you prepare to host the almighty Holy Spirit. Don’t allow people to use your chairs anyhow and I mean using your chairs for social events where they take alcohol or cast jokes. Have a mindset that this place is reserved for a special guest and that guest is holy. 

8.  Midnight prayers. I don’t know why, but I noticed that all of the Lord’s 

mighty men I know are people of the night. I have never met a man operating in the anointing who does not wake up to pray in the night. The Lord Jesus Christ kept midnight prayers, Rev. Awuzie did quite often and I do; in fact, I feel very uncomfortable to sleep soundly in the night without getting out of bed for some long minutes. My wife and I see it as sign of bad things if we don’t get out of bed in the midnight hours. Yours cannot be different. Don’t lie on your bed to pray, you will sleep off; discipline yourself to move about while praying in the night. 

9.  Trust God to give you a team. Keeping the above points of discipline will be  easier if you have likeminded people working with you in the same  direction. This is very important because two are better than one. There are times you will need to go to a retreat place together and the presence of teammates will help your concentration 

10.  Prepare for a long wait. Remember the foolish virgins, they were not ready  to wait for long. Set your heart that the above discipline will be your lifestyle until and even after the Pentecost has come. Pray in Tongues often and do prayer walking. By prayer walking I mean strolling around and muttering prayers and meditating in the word of God. Learn to seclude yourself when you can afford it.


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Emma your brother

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