Thursday, August 18, 2011

Prisoner of War - Chapter three

Let’s look at our text once more.
But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a PRISONER of the law of sin at work within my members.                    (Rom 7:23)                                             

The way I understand this place is like a man who was a sinner, shut away from the light of Christ. By the special grace of God he sees the danger of his soul through the divine quickening of his conscience. He stretched out his hand to embrace Christ. He felt a great joy and promises himself and his God to continue to work in the parts of righteousness. Only to discover-
15- I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
19- For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do this I keep  on doing.
Beloved, this is very different from willful sin but the person in question is not totally innocent.
Let the child of God wake up and know that there is an on-going war between light and darkness, good and evil, righteousness and wickedness. Any careless move would land him at the mercy of our enemy. As we desire deliverance, God expects three things from us -

1. Acknowledgement of sin:- Let the child of God now acknowledgment his sins. If you will but accept that whatever is happening in your life did not start happening but that through pride and carelessness you opened the door to the enemy to take you captive.  
2. Acknowledgment of your helplessness:- When a man is a prisoner of war in military terms, efforts to get away is dangerous. So, it is in the spiritual. Devil would rather kill you than see you return to Jesus. That is why each time you want to rise, one problem or the other draws you back. Could be sickness, loss of job or many such things, just to draw you back. You can not help yourself. The help can not come from within you.
What a wretched man. I am! Who will deliver (rescue) me from this body of death? (Rom. 7:24)
You must look outside for help. In military terms, only a commando operation- a situation where the comrade of the prisoner attacks unsuspecting and rescues him- or exchange of prisoners- like Iraq and Iran had- prisoners of war are exchanged at battle lines.
This means that you can only have help from outside. In the spiritual level, our rescue force is the body of Christ. Move forward and tell the brethren you know you are backslidden and ask them to do whatever is within their reach to help you.
My address is at the back of this book if you feel this way, write for directions.
3. Only Jesus can save you-
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord- verse 25

14- Since the children have flesh and blood, he (Jesus Christ) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he mighty destroy him who holds the power of death- that is the devil
15- and free those who all their lives were HELD IN SLAVERY (BONDAGE- KJV) by their fear of death.
                                                       (Heb 2:14-15)

So if the son (of God) sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)

Jesus Christ is the bondage breaker.
And the scriptures says-
For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord  shall be saved”

You know what you should do next. Your heart is made ready. You are going to pray now like never before.
(a) Confess the sin of pride and rebellion which opened the door for you fall.
(b) Confess the power of Christ to deliver you and restore you.
(c) By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ begin to deal with each of the prison houses stated above as spirits. Bind them and by the power of the Holy Spirit break their bars away.
(i) Spirit of Pride
(ii) Spirit of prayerlessness
(iii) Spirit of procrastination:
(iv) Spirit of selfishness called comfort
(v) Spirit of discouragement
 Beloved pray violently
(d) Return to the things you know you stopped doing.

Remember the height from which you have fallen? Repent and do the things you did at first (Rev. 2:5)

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