Friday, December 28, 2018

Introducing PNUR

From Prayer Network for Universal Revival – PNUR

Beloved friend/kingdom partner,

I love to use this medium to appreciate your friendship in 2018. Some may feel they have done nothing to deserve this message but I love to point out that merely reading my posts and messages on Social Media has helped me to feel fulfilled. There are those I never knew they were following me until they called or even visited me in Port Harcourt.
There are those that sent financial support and some advised on how to make my work for the Lord more effective.
It is in response to questions from some of you that I write thus.
a.     What is full meaning of PNUR? – Prayer Network for Universal Revival
b.     Who is the leader/founder? – My humble self, Emma N J Nwosu
c.      What is the focus of PNUR? – We are called to work in the Body of Christ in the area of prayer mobilizations and teachings that will result in spiritual awakening in the Body of Christ.
d.     How long has this ministry been on? – There are many whom the Lord has called with similar vision and when they stumble into our name they conclude we just started. We have been active since 1996
e.      Where is the headquarters of PNUR – Port Harcourt – Nigeria
f.       I need to know more about several books written by Emma N J Nwosu – Emma N J Nwosu the President of PNUR has written more than twenty books. Most of these books were published as hard copies and distributed around the world. We ran out of stock because we sold them and used the proceeds to sponsor our conferences and conventions. Scripture Union Press and Books (arm of SU Nigeria) published only two titles. As it is today, we are still trusting God for resources to replace the sold out hard copies
g.     What about the soft copies? – They are available for free download from our website
h.     Are there meetings/conferences your friends/partners can attend? – Yes. We host our friends and partners in Port Harcourt April and August of every year under International Prayer and Revival Convention (IPRC). We also move about from city to city anywhere in the world with International Prayer and Revival Conference (IPRC) under the partnership of our friends/partners
i.       How can one identify with PNUR? – Just write us. You can be a volunteer worker, you can send financial assistance or you can be a prayer partner. You can also anchor a conference for PNUR in your city
j.       Tell me more about School for Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare – It is a full fledged school that train pastors and church workers on deliverance and spiritual warfare. It was founded 2007 and has raised many servants of God ever since. There is the Basic cert. Program for 2 weeks. There is Diploma Program and Higher Diploma Program. We also have Deliverance week which a church body can organize for her members for one week. All these are subject to further discussion.
k.     Do you have distant learning arrangement? Yes.
l.       What area does PNUR need help immediately? Our Newsletter – Door of Hope needs to reach many more people around the globe. Hard copy of our books needs to return to circulation. Our conferences and conventions have suffered set back because of lack of funds. We also need to restore our crusades and conference equipment (Amplifiers, Musical/PA equip. Gospel truck/van etc)
m.  Can I visit you in Nigeria? You are welcome
n.     Can Emma N J Nwosu visit my station? Will be my pleasure if I have the funds
o.     Does PNUR partner other organizations? Yes
I am not sure I addressed all your concerns but you can visit our website for more information. You can also call me direct on this numbers +2348035724526
Thanks for standing with us
Emma your brother @PNUR

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Quest for Supernatural Power

Quest for Supernatural Power – I want this POWER!
In our just concluded conference in Suleja with Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, a pregnant woman went wild on the last day crying, “I want this power!” All through the four days of the conference there was open demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit but it was on the last evening that I discussed on the need for the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer. To say the least, she took me by surprise because her husband and she have been close to me for the period of the conference. In fact, they took over my feeding from my host pastor and they were the ones that brought me to the venue of the program in their car that evening I even feel that all along that lady had been praying that somehow God will see her heart and allow the Holy Spirit flow through me and over to her thirsty soul.
By the last day of the program she perhaps feared that this was not to be, hence her cry, “I want this power!”
Permit me to add this few words to her cry, “Lord, You can’t do this to me. You know how desperate I am for the power of the Holy Spirit You have been pouring out through Your servant. Lord, he is concluding his assignment in our city and I still don’t have this power. Lord, I want this power badly. And you just must let me have it”.
Her cry is not different from that of Simon the sorcerer; yes, the man most preachers have painted in bad light for his hunger for divine power -
When Simon saw that the Spirit was given when the apostles laid their hands on people, he offered them money to buy this power. "Let me have this power, too," he exclaimed, "so that when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the Holy Spirit!"  Acts 8:18-19 NLT
I bet that if I asked this woman for anything she could afford for this power, she would give it. Such was her hunger for power that she cared less about her pregnant state as she wept, mourned and rolled as if she lost her husband to the cold hands of death her darling husband was not left out in this quest as he sat in a corner with his youngest baby in hand drenched in the tears that flowed freely from his cheeks.
It is at this point of quest that some money-monger preachers ask people to pay some money and buy some special things to receive supernatural power. A pastor in Port Harcourt told how he paid $10,000 to a great bishop so that he can receive the power for church growth. There are those eat some things and carry out rigorous exercises that they may receive power. There also those who have been lured into secret societies in their hunger for God’s power.
I totally condemn all other practices that are different from receiving the power of the Holy Spirit through faith in a biblical prescribed process but I cannot fell to appreciate the genuine hunger in the heart of Simon the sorcerer and the woman in Suleja. I believe4 that the Holy Spirit see things the same way because at a time I observed that she became quiet and as she stood up from where she was lying, I knew she got what she wanted.
The problem with my generation of ministers is that many of us look for the things the POWER can give not the power. That could be the only reason why some are ready to do anything, even things they know very well that the Holy Spirit will never permit them to do.
Some years back, a witch-doctor in a community close to where I live in Port Harcourt got five pastors arrested by the police because they refused to pay him for the “power” he gave them to make their churches grow. Let’s ignore the question of why the police did not first arrest the witch-doctor and concentrate on why would one preaching from the bible go to satan for power. I am witness to the fact that these evil men always boast that all the great servants of God go to them for power. I have said before, that this is same as saying that God is dead, because if God were alive He will empower His servants. And He did, does and will do in the future.
When people can’t lay hand on this POWER they resort to some things which the Apostles said they never wanted.
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power  1 Cor 2:4-5  NIV
1.     Words of Wisdom – Some claim that they arte not called to demonstrate healing power but just to “TALK”.
2.     Persuasive Words – This is where the motivational speakers come in
3.     Carefully invented stories – This is where those who died went to heaven and hellfire and then returned come in. They try to manipulate people through fear to repent.
We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty 2 Peter 1:16 NIV
Sorry to say, these are factors we use today, in the place of demonstration of genuine power of the Holy Spirit.
Yet, let me say here, nothing can take the place of the real power of God
(To be continued)
Emma your brother @PNUR

Friday, July 13, 2018

Audacity of Miracles

Audacity of Miracles, Signs and wonders
The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them. Acts 15:12 NIV
It was some few years back I stumbled into a conference hosted by Church of Christ and the speaker was making much emphasis that miracles no longer happen today. He went further to explain that those who claim they speak in tongues, heal the sick and cast out demons are the deceivers and antichrist the bible warned us about. He made mockery and mimicked healing evangelists and preachers who claimed they cast out demons.
I sat quiet as he summarized his teaching. Fortunately he asked for questions and reactions to his presentation. I indicated by raising my hand and he generously obliged me. I said something like this –
“Sir, thank you for your wonderful teachings and I am especially impressed that you kept referring to the bible all through your lecture. I beg that you forgive me but I am among those that believe that God still performs miracles today; I speak in tongues and have personally driven out evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ.
Yet, I don’t want it to be a matter of your words and mine; I see that some people in this auditorium are sick because there is a proof of it in their physical appearance. Would you accept a very simple challenge, so that God will vindicate Himself. I want to suggest that those who are sick of any ailment stand out in the center of this auditorium and let everyone who truly believes in Jesus Christ call down healing on all such.
If they all or some are healed we all will then accept that God still heals the sick today, but if none is healed, we conclude that God does not heal the sick today. I promise not to open my mouth to say anything, so that the prayer would have been said by only your members”.
There was silence in the hall and suddenly our teacher said, “We don’t allow that kind of thing here. We don’t put the Lord to the test”.
Then I said, “Is it that you are afraid that the truth will hurt your doctrine or…?”
“I said we don’t do it and we don’t try it”.
I sat quiet but at the end of the meeting many of their leaders thronged after me and most of them confessed that they know and have experienced that God still perform miracles today but were afraid to speak out.
Our text states that testimony of miracles silenced dogmatic argument. People can challenge your grammar but they can’t argue obvious manifestation of God’s power. Miracles, signs and wonders are God’s signature in our meetings.
Jesus Christ pleaded it as evidence He came from God
But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father John 10:38NIV
For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you,  because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction 1 Thess 1:4-5 NIV
Someone may ask, “Must everyone perform miracles?”
You don’t need to perform miracles but miracles, signs and wonders are proofs that God is in the meeting.
Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Mark 16:20NIV
When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said.  With shrieks, evil spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city. Acts 8:6-8 NIV
There are obviously counterfeit signs and wonders but that only proves that there are original and genuine signs and wonders
(to be continued)
Emma your brother @PNUR

Danger of Teaching 2

Danger of wrong Teachings – Laying on of Hands
But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi," says the Lord Almighty
 Mal 2:8NIV
They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm 1 Tim 1:7 NIV

When we teach what the bible never commanded we actually mislead the children of God and scripture is not silent about God’s displeasure over this. We don’t have to teach people from our views or past experiences or the opinion one great servant of God. The reason we are given the bible is to forestall such occurrences, yet many of us neglect the bible.
In continuing our discussion, we come to a very serious problem that is placing many believers in confusion – Laying on of Hands.
I was a guest preacher in a church and during prayer for the congregation, I beckoned on my host to step down and join me in praying for the people, but he refused. I thought he was having health challenges but I was later to discover that I was teaching something he felt was not TRUTH. One thing I do everywhere I minister is to maintain my emphasis from the bible. So in the cause of the program I taught expensively for five days from the bible. Somehow, this servant of God had closed his mind and was not willing to accept anything different from what he believed. I did not get the signal when he was bragging about great men of God he called his mentors.
The point was that I did not even know what God was using me to do until the members of the church began to give testimonies. This servant of God had boxed his members in with errors which he persuaded them to believe as the only and whole truth.
One would think that the subject of controversy was something very deep; it is LAYING ON OF HANDS. I would not need to mention this here if not for the ugly experience I had only yesterday. A woman had traveled from a distant part of Port Harcourt to see me for prayer. She spent much time asking questions and seeking direction from the Lord. When it was time to pray for her, I noticed that she drew back when I made to lay hand on her. She had been taught that she could contract evil spirits if a pastor laid hand on her during prayers. I was not offended because I have seen that several times but that meant I cut the prayers short and asked her to go and come back another time. Two can’t pray together and have result unless they agreed.
It is true that one can catch evil spirits if the wrong person laid hands on you, but the question should be, why did it happen? Did it happen because the Holy Spirit is not out to protect his own or because the seeker has not set out to seek the Lord but solution to her problem? Without being distracted by this question, let us see what the bible says about LAYING ON OF HANDS
Ten kinds of PAYING ON OF HANDS as taught by the bible
a.     For ordination – 1Tim5:22. This is actually the place these teachers teach out of context; they believe that the bible tells us not to lay hands on people otherwise we could contract their sins or they transfer their demons to us. I am still surprised that in this age of many different versions of scripture bible teaches still work in this error. Well, why won’t they, when many of them still believe that God never authorized any other version outside King James Version, hence they refuse to crosscheck other versions for clarity. But we “worldly” Christians will look at versions for clarity -

Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. NLT

Don't appoint people to church leadership positions too hastily. If a person is involved in some serious sins, you don't want to become an unwitting accomplice. In any event, keep a close check on yourself.  THE MESSAGE
This particular scripture is very specific to ordination or call to a place of leadership. It is not that King James version is wrong but that those who read did not understand
 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure KJV
b.     For healing – Not only are we encouraged to lay hands on people for healing in Mark 16:18 but Jesus did so
When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity. Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath Luke 13:12-14 NIV
c.      For exorcism which is commonly called DELIVERANCE. Jesus laid hands on    people for healing and to drive out demons
When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them. 41 Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, "You are the Son of God!" But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Christ. Lk 4:40-41 NIV

d.     For infilling with the Holy Spirit – Apostles Peter and Paul laid hands on Christians for infilling of the Holy Spirit.
  Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:17 NIV
When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied Acts 19:6 NIV
e.      To commission for a new assignment – The Apostles laid hands on people given a new assignment who were ordained before
This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them     Acts 6:5-6NIV
f.       Impartation of spiritual gifts –
Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you 1 Tim 4:14NIV
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Tim 1:6 NIV
g.     Transfer of authority -  Moses transferred his authority to Joshua through laying on of hands
Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses  Deut 34:9  NIV
h.     Transfer of office. The above scripture can hold this too but they have different meanings; some one can transfer his authority on a person he sends on assignment for a particular purpose in a given time without giving up the office. Moses transferred his authority and office at this given time
i.       Transfer of blessings –
But Israel reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim's head, though he was the younger, and crossing his arms, he put his left hand on Manasseh's head, even though Manasseh was the firstborn. Then he blessed Joseph and said,….. Gen 48:14-15NIV
j.       Transfer of sin –
"'If the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, he must bring to the Lord a young bull without defect as a sin offering for the sin he has committed.  He is to present the bull at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting before the Lord. He is to lay his hand on its head and slaughter it before the Lord. Lev 4:3-4 NIV
It is obvious from the above scriptures that the only instance the bible warns us on laying on of hands is in the area of calling people to places of leadership. Unfortunately, this is the place Christian leaders do with laxity; we put people in places of leadership without caution hence the many confusing activities in the Body of Christ.
(To be continued)
Emma your brother @PNUR

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Dangers to Teaching 1

Dangers to Teaching
Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly James 3:1 NIV
It has been observed that our human nature runs at variance to what God desires; in another way put, we often rush for things God would wish that we avoid.
I have watched in dismay as preachers try to pass on what they consider to be truth; some of these teachers say with much emphasis some things I am very convinced to be false. The above scripture seem to warn genuine believers, not false teachers, about the danger of teaching things that we don’t really understand or have not crosschecked with other scriptures. It states that the matter is not over after the teaching but there is imminent judgment for presumed teachers. Below is an example of this kind of teaching and teachers.
Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: "Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved. Acts 15:1 NIV
Observe that these brethren that came from Judea paid their airfare and sacrificed their precious time to do what they believe was God’s work. I believe that if they died in the process, their families and friends will think they died in service to God. They felt there were things going on in the churches that needed to be checked. It is also interesting that they were ready to stand up for their beliefs and argue to logical conclusion to persuade others to see reason with them. But below is the effect and result of their efforts.
We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said Acts 15:24 NIV
1.     They disturbed the peace of a thriving church – Barnabas and Paul were taking time to establish this young church, they were making sacrifices and in the words of Apostle James, they were risking their lives. but these zealous brothers came in and disturbed the peace of the church and turned attention from the central gospel and building up of the saints to arguments about rituals and methods
2.     Troubled their minds – The minds of these brethren in Antioch was at peace as they celebrated their salvation and sat down to learn more about Christ and His ways, but these zealous teachers troubled their minds. In today’s modern English, they confused them. The believers were no longer sure about their salvation or whether God has really forgiven and accepted them in His Kingdom. They were no longer sure whether the Blood of Jesus was enough for the debt of their sins
3.     They also interrupted what God had started in the lives of the new converts through Barnabas and Paul. They interrupted a process of progress
4.     They distracted Paul and Barnabas because we read in the account that they had to leave their duty post to go and tidy up issues about their teachings
Today, there are a lot of zealous people who don’t want believers to go to hellfire from the church. As good as that intention is but I personally discovered that a lot of lies are told about death, visit to hellfire and resurrection. One of such men pirated my book and manipulated some things in it just to pass his message.
Must we lie to help God? Must we add to His word to assist Him get souls saved? Must we deceive people with false experiences to scare people to accept Christ? When did the simple message of the gospel of the Cross lose its power, so that we need falsehood to assist it?
There are also those who would warn us about the danger of use of earrings, necklaces and wearing of trousers by women. Like the above group, this group also manipulates scriptures, twist a little here and a little there just to get to their point. This group also target new converts that are trying to get stabilized and teach them that those who labor daily to establish them are only leading them to hellfire.
There are also the GRACE group that target new converts in Holiness churches and advice them to stop listening to those who teach them to avoid sin. They encourage them to retain their old ways of life as God is too merciful to punish a sinner.
There is this other group that attacks other believers who exercise their spiritual gifts in helping believers; they major in attacking the concept of deliverance and healing. One of such in this group is Andrew Wommack, he must be very rich because he has managed to spread his books in Nigeria bookstores and at very cheap prices. I can feel the fire in his bones but honestly I feel sorry for this brother. Like those brethren from Judea he has been making a lot of sacrifices but only ends up confusing new converts who are trying to find their footing in the Christian faith
All these zealous people rarely go to unbelievers to make their converts and then teach their “great revelation”; NO, they target those whom others have won over
Like the people in our text, these people mean no harm but they cause harm all the same. It is now understandable why we are warned that we should not rush to become teachers. I was in a church in Bamenda in Cameroon while a young man was teaching a group of youths what he claimed he got by revelation from the Holy Spirit. At a point, I am sorry to confess, I interrupted him openly and made him to understand that what he was teaching was not scripture. I wounded his ego but I saved the Body of Christ
That brings us to an important issue; do we train those we send to train others? Somebody would argue, “They won’t sit down to be taught.”
Ok. But is there an ordered program for those who would want to be taught? Do we teach the whole bible or do we just pick from the scriptures what we want them to hear? In our center in Port Harcourt, we don’t piece up the bible books. We take the bible, book after book. We don’t skip any verse or discussion. In this way we are able to encounter every area of scripture’
(to be continued)
Emma your brother @PNUR

Monday, July 2, 2018

Don't Let Them Fool You

Patient dogs have never eaten the fattest bone anywhere in the world
“Slow and steady” has never won any race anywhere in the world
Don’t believe them when they say there is no competition in destiny; Jacob was destined to rule over Esau but go read your bible and you will see that he bowed down seven times before Esau
You were perhaps told that what you don’t know will not know you, meaning that evil only locate evil people. That is rubbish! Good people are dying every day for what they know nothing about
Did somebody tell you to be the best of yourself? The best of your self is ZERO. You are promoted over and above somebody
There is only one Secretary General of United Nations Organization – the world can’t have two
There is only one Secretary General of African Union – Africa can’t have two
There is only one President of your country – your country can’t have two
There is only one Governor of your State – Your State can’t have two
There is only one Chairman of the multinational company where you work – they can’t have two
Hear me; you are not created to be the best of yourself. You were created to be best over other people.
You are alive because you won a battle over more than six million sperms injected into your mother’s body. Those other sperms had equal capacity and opportunity to become humans but you won and so are alive today.
You will not get anywhere until you outdo somebody’s record and abilities
When people are promoted they take somebody’s place, even in the church.
Don’t believe them when they tell you that you have to beat only your record. If you will beat only your record you will be a LOCAL CHAMPION.
What they teach you is rooted in Karma which in itself is rooted in idolatry. It is a class-system ideology where people are taught to remain what their karma detects for them. So if your father is a gateman, you become the best of the son of a gateman. If your mother is a poor street trader, you become the best of the daughter of a street trader.
Shout, “God forbid!” three times.
This was probably what your father believed and so could not reach to the height ordinary determination could have gotten him. Perhaps your mother believed those trashes and could not push out of the chains of “Nobodyness”. So you inherited a life which is only a product of their own definition.
You may not be a champion today, but if you work hard, you can be one tomorrow
You may not be multimillionaire today but you have all it takes to be the richest man in the world
Life is battle, brother
Life is battle, sister
Life is battle, young man
Life is battle, my lady
The only mistake Cain made in the bible was that he wanted to erase the competition; he meant to take down the rival so that the world and God will have no choice but to manage him.
That is very bad; let your rival be there, but prove to him and the world that you are better. Don’t poison him, don’t try to kill her. Just put up a fight!
That is what it means to be CHAMPION
Get up from there and get busy with the battle of life
If you lose, you get lost
You just must win and don’t accept that it is over until you are declared the winner
Happy New Month
Emma your brother @PNUR

Thursday, June 21, 2018

When a Wife Should Push the Man Aside and Play the Head

When a Wife Should Push the Man Aside and Play the Head

At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses] and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses feet with it. “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,” she said. So the LORD let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision. Ex 4:24-26

How many of us have read the play, OUR HUSBAND HAS GONE MAD AGAIN, By Ola Rotimi? The play focused on a polygamous family where the husband did some stupid things in his political ambition. All the wives were taught to always submit to him because of culture, in the reality his negative attitude was putting the family in jeopardy. This was until he married an educated woman who began to teach the other women how to take their destiny in their hands and make a living for themselves.
Honestly this play paints the gory image of what is happening in some families, men believe that they are the head and rightly so, but there are occasions when the choices of the men are doing great harm to the family; not only to the general family but to the man himself.
In our text today, Moses was being negligent and that slothful attitude was going to ruin not only his own life but turn the word of God to be of no effect. If Moses died at that point Zipporah and her children will be lost in a battle they never prepared for. They had already left the comfort of her father’s home and I am bold to add that they would have sold up their assets as they ventured into the next level of God’s assignment for them.
What was the issue? Zipporah was told by Moses that the God to whom he belonged had a covenant with his race that required that every male child should be circumcised at the age of eight days.
Zipporah - So, honey when will you do it?
Moses – I will do it Tomorrow. I tried to reach the man that sells the flint knife but his number was not going.
Moses comes back from work and Zipporah reminds him but he replies, “I will do it later, I am tired now?
Two weeks later he comes home and shares an account of how he met the God of his fathers and how He instructed him about the new ministry they were to start.
Zipporah - Honey, this means we need to circumcise Junior right away
Moses - Let me share the story with your father first and hear what he has to say. Then I will do it
A month after they are packing to move to Egypt where they have to confront all the gods of Egypt in open show of superior power.
Zipporah - Honey, this level of ministry will be demanding, why not you circumcise Junior now so we give no ground to the devil?
Moses - Baby Zip, thanks for reminding me but you can see that if we circumcise him now, we have to wait for another month before we can move because the child will be in pains. So let’s move on and before we start sharing the fliers for our first crusade I will do it.
I have always stated that God is not going to help us run our ministry but is calling us to do His business. No one is indispensible to God; He is a God of purpose and has His standards. That God called you does not mean that He is stuck with you. God prepared to defend the covenant between Him and Abraham and the first enemy of that covenant God could find is no one but the one He sent and so …. the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him
In the culture they came from, it was the duty of the man to circumcise the son, but if Zipporah waited for this head to play the head then the family is doomed, so Zipporah played the head because that was the only way she could save her home and salvage the glorious destiny that was at the brink.
The bible made it very clear that wives should submit to their husbands in all things but thank God I am a man, so male folks will not see me as saying what I do not understand; we men can be stupid at times and it is sad to say that anointed men are not any different. Let me praise my wife again; a lady once said in my hearing that she wished her husband behaved like me. I giggled from the background when my wife said to her, “Things are not always the way we see it”. I can bet that lady will not endure me for a year. How many times have I taken decisions that put my family in financial embarrassment in my obsession to help “Poor and Needy”? There are occasions all I have to thank is my wife who technically blocked a decision I made at impulse, and oh boy, I do that often.
There is this account also when Nabal the husband of Abigail let loose his tongue to abuse a warlord and general who had killed giants and conquered great armies of many nations. Against common sense Nabal called David a runaway slave and sat down to drink himself to stupor. Thank God a servant heard him and reported to Abigail. Again the nom demanded that Abigail should consult the head of the family before giving such elaborate gifts to David and his men, especially because her husband had said NO earlier. But if she obeyed the rules her whole family and estate would have been consumed in the wrath of David and his four hundred deadly and hungry army. She went ahead to save her family and then explained later to her husband. (1 Sam25)
Pilate would have gone to the judgment throne from his girl friend’s house, otherwise, why was it that his wife could not tell him her dream before he left the house? Who knows of how many days he had not reached the house, but it is obvious he respected his wife’s spirituality and her ability to receive messages from her dream. Some women will be grinding in anger and then Plate will soil his hands with the righteous blood of Jesus. Some theologians won’t accept this, but the fact is that Pilate and his home was innocent of Jesus’ blood because he washed his hand before Jesus was killed.
Woman, I advise you to submit to your husband in all things because God is the head of the man and man is the head of the woman, but when you are sure “Oga” is about to ruin himself and the entire family, play the head.
Become ZIPPORAH and ABIGAIL, you can explain later.
Emma your brother @PNUR

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Primary Reason for Marriage is not LOVE

The Primary Reason for marriage is not LOVE
Emphasis Gen. 2
 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Gen. 2:18
Like most other persons I used to believe that the primary reason for marriage is to have somebody I love and that I will enjoy the rest of my life with. But going through the account of the first instituted marriage, I discovered that LOVE was never mentioned when God was thinking of getting a wife for Adam. I don’t mean to say that Adam never loved Eve; I just mean to point out that LOVE was not the issue why God felt that Adam needed a wife.
In fact, the word wife was not used in the account in Genesis chapter 2, but rather HELPER. I feel then that we make a mistake when we set our main condition for a life partner as LOVE
God created the whole universal and the earth and all other animals; as is His habit He made things based on the use they will serve. Hence there is no useless thing in all creation. Man was not created to enjoy creation; he was created to oversee the works of God. His assignment was not concealed to him and they included watching over all other created things, taking care of the garden and naming the animals God had created.
It was after stating the job definition of man that God felt that this job will be too much for man. God did not make woman to give man sexual satisfaction and other forms of romance. The point I am making here is that women make mistake when they argue that the reason their husband go after other women is because of sex. I agree that sex is one of the things that happen in man and woman relationship, but sex is not the main reason for it. He is a foolish man who follows the direction of his genital erection and sorry to say, there are many men like that. I agree that women should satisfy sexual urge but if you set out looking for sexual satisfaction in marriage, you will never have a settled home.
I remember a son in the Lord of mine once asked my wife and I to pray and introduce a life partner for him. His reason for rejecting the girl we introduced is that she did not look sexy enough. He went ahead to get himself a sexy wife. Well, he is still enjoying sex and perhaps has learned the lesson I am pointing out here, by experience.
The reason for marriage is RESPONSIBILITY; the woman was to come in and help the man with his responsibility. If a woman is not fit to help a man with the responsibility to become what God has made him to be, then she is not a marriage material.
On the other hand, when a man asks a woman’s hand in marriage, she should not be concerned as to whether he is rich or poor. That will be turning attention to distraction. She should look out if this man has responsibility on him. Is this man a person on assignment? What is he living for? Not a question of if he has a job or not. Those can change but the permanent thing is his purpose for living.
Some women have followed men whom they feel are rich, within three years all the wealth was gone. Some have followed those who are influential but things changed, and the man loses his influence. Yet, there are those who followed “Nobodys” and these failures are champions today.
When a woman is going into a marriage she should understand that she is taking up a great task; the task of KING-MAKER and DESTINY helper. She should also understand that she cannot support what does not exist. If there is nothing in the man’s life to look up to as assignment, then pray that he discovers his assignment before accepting his hand in marriage.
LOVE is necessary in marriage but LOVE was the not why God instituted marriage. Marriage was instituted to enable Man fulfill his assignment.
Emma your brother @PNUR

Monday, June 18, 2018

When to Stop fighting

When you must stop fighting

Emphasis 1 Kings 22
Now a certain man drew a bow at random, and struck the king of Israel between the joints of his armor. So he said to the driver of his chariot, “Turn around and take me out of the battle, for I am wounded.” 1Kgs22:34

That you won…..
The above scripture is from a popular bible account; it may interest you to note that even the worst of the kings of Israel lost only one battle. Ahab, in spite of his negative life and bad records, lost only one battle. Here is another lesson; the fact that you won or succeeded in that venture does not automatically mean that God is happy with the way you go about things.
The man of God is not in a contest with you
On the faithful day of the above account, he was warned by a genuine servant of God not to venture into that battle, he was sure that the man of God was saying the word of God but his ego was more important to him. If he failed to go to that war, some people will think the man of God has won. I have met people who feel I am in a contest with them. A lady once told me, “Ok, you go ahead and pray and we go ahead and pray. Let’s see whose prayer God will answer”.
Prayer only makes a difference if….
That brings us to the point I have mentioned in one of my writings; God does not just sit down in heaven waiting for us to pray so He will answer. God answers prayers that agree with His purpose. If the prayer does not agree with His purpose, He will not grant it. Shouting can help at times, night vigils can help at times, sowing seed of faith can help at times, fasting too, but note that all these are useless if you are turned against God’s purpose for your life and ministry.
Change of place does not always mean change of God
On the other hand, some quarrel with pastor of one church and then move on to work under pastor of another church. This too is stupid if the reason you left that church is because they tried to check your negative life-style. All your service in the new church is useless because the two churches and their pastors belong to the same God.
Correct but late
In our text, Ahab instructed his servants to take him out of the battle because he had been wounded. I feel that this instruction was rather too late. Ahab got involved in idolatry; men of God warned him but he persisted. Ahab killed some prophets of God, he was warned but he persisted. Before his very eyes Elijah shut the heavens and while he watched he prayed and rain came after three years, Ahab did not turn. Ahab killed Neborth and took his vine yard, God complained, he repented but did not turn from his sin by returning the land.
Prophet of his choice
In God’s forbearance, he was assigned a prophet to stand as a watchman over his government and to warn him about the consequence of his negative ways, but Ahab branded the prophet an enemy. Like some people today, he chose for himself the kind of prophets he wanted to hear, built “church auditorium” for them and sponsored their TV and Cable ministries. Each time he wanted to hear something “spiritual” he will gather these “prophets” and organize prayer meetings and rallies and then he will have a good time.
It surprises me that somebody will travel from Nigeria to South Africa to hear the word of God from Prophet Bushri while in enmity with his father in the Lord. It shocks me that somebody will travel from Cameroon to seek God with Prophet T B Joshua while he does not exchange mere greetings with the one that ordained him a pastor. While I have nothing with these great servants of God, I consider it foolishness for the one seeking blessing and word from God
Divine intervention still
Just like God often does for us because according to the bible, God does not delight in the death of sinners but continues to seek ways to get our attention, so we can return to Him; God stirred the heart of a friend of king Ahab who compelled Ahab to invite a true servant of God. It is interesting to note that Ahab knew that this man was the only true man of God in the land
Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not still a prophet of the LORD here, that we may inquire of [b]Him?”
8 So the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man, Micaiah the son of Imlah, by whom we may inquire of the LORD; but I hate him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.” Verse 7-8
Prophet prophesy for me
Ahab knew that Micaiah was genuine and the other four hundred false but he wanted somebody who will make positive declaration over him. Of what use is positive declaration that will amount to nothing?
That was when Ahab should have quitted the battle but he kept fighting, he even put the genuine prophet in prison and boasted that he will come back alive.
How do you see the prophets or pastors of God? Do you see them as people with mystic powers that can bring good luck or as mere men presenting God’s word to you? Unfortunately today, people see men of God as commanders that tell God what He must do. This is obvious when we face in directions that God will not accept and yet you are praying for His favor. No man of God commands God or pushes Him around; don’t mind the empty words of some modern day magicians parading as prophets. That is why they have to create counterfeit fire from heaven and pay fake people to testify to the miracles in their ministries. God listens to His servants but He only grants what is within His will.
Ahab had his game plan
What were his game plans? He will rather set up his friend, King Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat is study for another day; his was stupidity of the highest level. If you meet a man who is not faithful to God, he will not be faithful to you.
Game plan number two, Ahab planned to go into the battle in disguise so that people will not recognize him.
Caught by curse
As you read this, what comes to your mind? Don’t wait until it is too late. The arrow that caught Ahab was not targeted but the curse of the man of God he put in the prison guided the arrow to Ahab’s heart.
Don’t wait until the curse ruins your future before you stop fighting. Are there issues in your life that needs urgent correction? Are presently in a battle you have no business fighting?
This calls for sober reflection
Emma your brother @PNUR